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Spiritual Direction


What is spiritual direction? 

The Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association gives a very helpful description:

Spiritual direction is a ministry of the Church in discernment. The focus of spiritual direction is on how one can further develop and cultivate one’s personal relationship with God. It is one of the ministries through which we can fulfill the command of Hebrews 10:24 – how to stir up one another to love and good works.

Christian spiritual direction is primarily a ministry in which one Christian (the director) helps another (the directee) to discern God’s presence and activity in the directee’s life and also the directee’s reactions and responses to God’s activity. It is often said that the real director in spiritual direction is God, while the human spiritual director is more of a witness, one that points to God’s activity on behalf of the directee. Spiritual direction can also be done in a group context, in which a group of Christians together prayerfully seek to discern God’s activity in the life of a fellow believer.
It is common for believers to seek out spiritual direction when there is a change in their spiritual life. Sometimes it is a change in how one experiences God’s presence; sometimes it is pending change in one’s life circumstances or vocational call. Other times, believers seek direction simply through a desire to grow more deeply in their prayer life or ministry.


Spiritual direction can be particularly helpful:

  •      If you find you are at point of transition and change in your life

  •      If you are making an important decision

  •      If you desire to discern God's voice

  •      If you have experienced loss of any kind

  •      If you feel confused, or disconnected from God

  •      If you feel overlooked or forgotten while serving others in ministry

  •      If you desire to grow in your connection and intimacy with God

  •      If you desire to lead from a position of spiritual strength

  •      If you want to deepen your prayer life


Getting Started

The best way to begin is to set up a introductory meeting with a director. Spiritual direction is generally once a month for 45 to 50 minutes. The cost of Spiritual Direction ranges between $50 and $75 dollars per session. A sliding scale based upon need is also available. If you are interested in individual or group spiritual direction and want to find out more, contact us. 

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